
SO....This is my blog. I tend to have a lot of rants...so I figured I should share them online!


Sooo, I never update. But I hope that can change soon. Lol. That's all. I now am going to try and make this more a video blog than anything else


Dating sites. They aren't all they are cut out to be

So, for awhile I have been on a dating site called OkCupid. It is, to quote Penn & Teller, BULLSHIT!
Firstly, I message people, and put effort into my first message, most people do not even have the courtesy to reply, even though it says they have visited my profile. I understand I might not be their type, at least reply though. Fuck.
Secondly, some of the people who do respond are already in relationships. I thought it was a dating site, not a friend site. Get off of it if you have somebody, as you have no right being there.
My advice, don't waste your time with it.


I wear my sunglasses at night

Yes, I wear my prescription sunglasses at night. I wear my regular glasses during the day..but as the night goes on I just get sick of bright lights or something.
I have been playing a game called Vampire Rain: Altered Species. It has received shitty reviews yet I still bought it like two years ago and have yet to beat it. It gives me headaches, pisses me off, and everything bad. SO I do not know why I put myself through it.
Basically, Vampire Rain: Altered Species just isn't fun. When a game becomes more of a chore to play than something you want to do, it's not a good game. I can see a lot of time when into making it pretty, but it didn't help, at least not for me.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
Loll... That is one review. I have yet to find a good review of this game....



Weeellll..................this could be a long rant about something involving sex. Buuuttt......I don't feel like it. I just am horny and want to fuck. Simple as that.

Am I pregnant? Lol. My cravings say so. o_O

SO.....I have been having these crazy cravings as of late. First it started with strawberries..but now it has been a lot of breakfast foods...mainly involving eggs. Maybe my body just needs the protein..or maybe I am just making up for me not being a breakfast person usually. But I made my first fried egg this morning.....then not an hour ago I made an "Eggy in a Basket" which I stole from v For Vendetta and Googled how to do it! It was quite good! Now...I am craving homemade french toast, which I have never made before, and fresh squeezed orange juice!


So.....I met somebody today.

Well..that sounds totally cliche coming from me. I am just that longing for companionship that I get my hopes up this quickly. It is stupid. I'm sick of getting my hopes up , only to have them crushed. Am I just fucked to an existence of sex and maybe week long relationships? Is it me, or do I just have shitty taste in men? I hope this goes somewhere. I have hope that it will...but with all that hope has done for me I don't see why I hope any more. Perhaps this is why it seems I get more heartless everyday..why with each failed relationship I lose a little more faith in human kind...and that my anger towards the world gets worse. Fuck. I don't want to be my dad...but it almost seems like I am on that road


Today? What is today even?

I am at a loss. I woke up this morning just..bleh.
I got excited when I noticed my torrent downloaded last night! Then I got pissed because the dogs got into the trash. Notice the lacking of "our" or "my" dogs. I don't claim any ownership to them. My parents do.
I personally can't stand them. They smell,m they shit, they piss, and require maintenence. They are merely a handicap. I'm not big on my step dad's cat either though
He is just annoying. 
I also started up a Facebook again today. I don't know why. I guess..since I am moving to a new town I need to have a way to keep in contact with peoples..and it is a great way to follow things. Like my favorite websites and webcomics.