
SO....This is my blog. I tend to have a lot of rants...so I figured I should share them online!


Today? What is today even?

I am at a loss. I woke up this morning just..bleh.
I got excited when I noticed my torrent downloaded last night! Then I got pissed because the dogs got into the trash. Notice the lacking of "our" or "my" dogs. I don't claim any ownership to them. My parents do.
I personally can't stand them. They smell,m they shit, they piss, and require maintenence. They are merely a handicap. I'm not big on my step dad's cat either though
He is just annoying. 
I also started up a Facebook again today. I don't know why. I guess..since I am moving to a new town I need to have a way to keep in contact with peoples..and it is a great way to follow things. Like my favorite websites and webcomics. 

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